Hypnosis & Healer

Hypnosis as therapy

Christophe Limayrac Hypnose

Definition of hypnosis

Contrary to popular opinion, hypnosis is very different from sleep. Although in some cases the appearance of the subject can give the appearance of sleep, it maintains a link with the outside world and an intense brain activity.

The hypnotic state is a normal condition and fit for the Human Being, that power is natural and we can all be hypnotized in order to enjoy the benefits of this therapy.

Everyone can experience the hypnotic trance, for example when driving and that we forget the road, we forget that we operate a vehicle, and yet, the unconscious is the pilot of the vehicle. Or the night when we fall asleep and in the morning when you wake up, this phase between sleep and waking, where there is both partly in the unconscious and also in the conscious.

The advantage of a therapeutic approach conducted with the assistance of hypnosis is precisely his "short" approach. Indeed, the results are fast, with the methods currently in place, we can stop smoking in one session, break free of a phobia in 2 sessions, to improve or lose weight in less than 5 sessions.

Application fields

Hypnosis is a brief therapy, and most problems can be improved after a few sessions. However, beyond a particular problem, regular consultations can be useful to access its resources.

Hypnosis has proven effective in many areas, including:

  • The various addictions and addictions such as alcohol, gambling, smoking, drugs ...
  • Increase confidence and self-esteem,
  • Reduce stress,
  • Eating disorders (eating poorly, eating too much or not enough)
  • Get rid of phobias,
  • Overcoming his shyness,
  • To fight against allergies,
  • Sexual problems, problems of understanding between the couple,
  • Relational and emotional difficulties,
  • Accept a mourning
  • Forgiveness
  • Out of a depressive episode,
  • Prepare for an interview, an appointment, a meeting, a review ...
  • Improve its results, its sports performance,
  • Learn to manage conflicts,
  • Unlock the emotional barriers,
  • Know "letting go"
  • More generally, various "ailments" indefinable.
Roue de l'hypnose

Contrary to widespread popular belief, critical thinking continues during hypnosis. Which is to say that we always keep some control, variable among individuals, and if a show of hypnosis using what looks like orders with direct suggestions in therapy rather sought to activate unconscious resources in the consultant.

Hypnose et hypnothérapie

Execution of a consultation

  1. Discussion, personalized case study
  2. Hypnosis Session
  3. Therapeutic monitoring Tips

Different forms of hypnosis

Conversational hypnosis is to lead the mind of the listener through a simple conversation into productive mental states.

Many people use conversational hypnosis without realizing it.

The magnetic hypnosis, is the form of the oldest hypnosis, in which the most powerful suggestions can be nonverbal domain and some energy techniques, such as magnetism, induce a trance very effective.

The Ericksonian hypnosis, named after its creator Milton Erickson, this technique has the particularity of being indirect, yet also direct strategically.

Sensory hypnosis, which contrary to the usual forms of hypnosis using only voice, seeks to enable all sensory channels with sounds, smells and light to optimize the effect of the suggestions.

The Self-Hypnosis: All forms of Hypnosis are really self-hypnosis since the suggestions given by a third party must be accepted by the consultant to be effective. For the general public, self-hypnosis helps to gain some autonomy and to improve by itself, a number of issues.

Classical hypnosis is based on a type of guidelines rather suggestions. Induction is progressive but fast with many repeats that induce trance fast enough. The classical hypnosis reaches its limits when hypnotized is deemed "resistant" and it is not flexible enough for such people.

Rapid Hypnosis is known as hypnosis show, because it uses almost instantaneous rapid inductions. It is very effective on sensitive people (about 20% of the population). With a short preparation upstream, a much higher percentage can access.

History of hypnosis

Considering that hypnosis is a series of suggestions, and suggestions are more or less present in conversations. We can then conclude that all human communication can be seen as hypnosis. Therefore it is easy to imagine that hypnosis is as old as humanity.

In Ancient Egypt, we find hieroglyphics on some indications that suggest that the power of the word was widely used.

More recently, in 1766, Franz Mesmer, inspired by Paracelsus develops his theory of "animal magnetism". It was getting incredible results! Whatever one may think of the fluid theory, it also used the suggestion. One of the most powerful of all suggestions, the nonverbal suggestion.

His most famous disciple Chastanet Puységur discovered that a somnambulistic trance could be induced by magnetizing.

At the same time the surgeon James Braid (1795-1860) developed this technique by practicing induction by attaching a bright object, concentration on one idea and suggestion.

The application of hypnosis in surgery is booming interrupted in 1848 by the discovery of ether and chloroform but grows among neurologists and psychiatrists.

Thus, the Salpetrière School of Jean-Martin Charcot (1825-1893) is opposed to the school of Nancy Ambrose Liebault (1823-1904) and Hippolyte Bernheim (1840-1919). According to the first school, the hypnotic state is a condition of hysterical neurosis while for the Nancy School, is a natural state of sleep and hyper suggestibility.

In 1900, Emile Coue famous world-renowned chemist, created his famous method that demonstrates the importance of self-suggestion. Although, of course, we have since discovered other possibilities, his method is simple, without being a panacea, is still relevant.

Milton Hyland Erickson (1901-1980), American psychiatrist and father of modern hypnosis, created by the renewal a new approach to hypnosis. As a doctor, he will develop various modes of induction, use of metaphors allowing the patient to mobilize its own resources in its unconscious and brief therapies.
According to him, hypnosis is primarily a particularly respectful communication technique. It enables "the expression of latent potential within the person."

Discover Christophe Limayrac's method by making an appointment with your hypnotherapist in Eure et Loire, at the western tip of the Yvellines, just 1h15 from Paris, or by distance consultation.

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Christophe Limayrac - Healer & Hypnotherapist

Hypnosis Yvelines - Hypnosis Paris - Hypnosis Eure et Loire

Christophe Limayrac
Healer & Magnetizer

2 Bis rue du Noyer

N° Siren 422511014