Remote healing
Download and print the two following forms.
Healing form: this form contains all necessary information about costs, conditions of treatment, photos, and the healing process.
Nutritional diary: complete this diary every time you consume any liquids or solid food or undergo any treatment, from morning until night over a period of 7 days.
Once you have completed these two forms, return them to me together with your payment at the following address:
Christophe Limayrac - Guérisseur Rebouteux
2Bis rue du Noyer, 28210 FAVEROLLES
For all people who can not move and have access to Skype *, I now offer interactive remote consultations.
The principle is simple:
1) You send me your Skype address by mail so that I record.
2) You send me your application remote care with a photo, a lock of hair and regulation by post.
3) We agree whole hour appointment.
This more flexible approach allows access to the same as my office meeting while remaining at home (same price without moving).
The advantage of Skype over a conventional remote care is the interaction, since we can talk directly together, you can ask me all your questions live.
Remember my email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
*To download skype :